Bi-fold and bypass shutters are 2 kinds of specialty shutter installations. They don't swing into the space of a room as much as a typical shutter. Whether to choose one or the other will depend largely on context, aesthetic considerations, and functional requirements. There are a number of arrangements for both, depending on the size of the window, and the number of panels needed.
Bi-Fold Shutters

Bi-fold shutters add additional hinges to a shutter panel and split the panel into 2 or more parts, allowing the shutter to fold like an accordion.
Bypass Shutters

Bypass shutters, on the other hand, set your shutter panels on tracks, and they don't swing at all. Rather, they glide behind each other along parallel tracks. With bypass shutters, the overall installation will, however, protrude a little further into the room.
Closed Bypass Vs. Open Bypass Shutters
Closed Bypass Shutters
Louvers must be in the closed position for the panels to pass each other.
Open Bypass Shutters
The panels are able to pass each other, even when the louvers are completely open. This option does bring the shutter assembly further into the room.
Bypass Shutter Panel Configurations
When placing an order for bypass shutters, choose whether the left panel or the right panel will go in front. Indicate this under the Special Instructions field when you order online through our Dealer Portal, or on the Standard Shutter Order Form. Mark F/B if the Left panel goes in Front, or B/F if the Right Panel goes in Front.

Once made, they're not reversible. With open bypass shutters, vertical light-stops are added to the back of the front panel, where the panels overlap when the shutters panels are slid shut. This can be problematic if you have the wrong panel in front.
Special care must be taken when ordering open bypass shutters to cover sliding glass doors. Correctly note which panel will be front-most. Trying to reverse the order of incorrectly ordered panels, in this case, can result in the light stop hitting the handle of the sliding glass door, and failing to slide completely shut.
When using more than 2 shutter panels in a bypass configuration, the outer panels are typically placed in the front, with the middle panels placed behind. An alternate configuration is to put each panel on its own track, and all the shutter panels can glide one behind the other to either side of the window.

Refer to the Exus Shutter Manual (pages 45 - 48) for more detailed information about bi-fold and bypass shutters.
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Topics: New Dealer Resource, Shutter Features, Shutter Dictionary